Thursday, October 13, 2011

XHTML Strict and target _blank

This topic is quite a challange because on one side I want my websites "strict" valid. On the other hand, sometimes it's important (at least clients say so) to open links in a new window, so I did a little research (and there are a lot of informations out there to this problem)

What are the solutions for being valid and in the same time opening links in a new window?

1. I tried it with CSS: (I know, I know... CSS is for styling only, not for behavior.. I'm searching solutions right now)
Theoretically it can be done with CSS3. According to this page the code should look like this:

a {
    target-name: new;
    target-new: tab;

But none of the browsers responded to it so this solution is precluded.

2. Javascript:
Here we have quite interesting solutions.

Manually open a new window with "":

Inline mode:
<a href="" onclick="; return false;">Read Thinkrement!</a>

This works, however it's not so elegant and it's better to keep the HTML and Javascript seperate.

So, let's improve it a bit:

<a href="" rel="popup">Read Thinkrement!</a>

window.onload = function() {
    var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for (var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
        if (links[i].rel == 'popup') {
            links[i].onclick = function() {
                return false;

or with jQuery:
$('a[rel="popup"]').click(function() {"href"));
    return false;

The constrained method:

With Javascript it's similar to the previous "" method with the difference, that instead of "" we use:
window.onload = function() {
    var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for (var i=0;i < links.length;i++) {
        if (links[i].rel == 'popup') {

This is quite simple, however this solution is not supported by IE and Chrome.

With jQuery it a bit easier (only 1 line):
$('a[rel="popup"]').attr("target", "_blank");

3. HTML:

- Use a Transitional Doctype
- Have some "target" errors on your site
- or put it out of your mind that you want to use the target attribute. It is said that for usability reasons it's better to let users decide whether they want a new window (tab) or not.

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